Unfortunately, many times clients arrive at our 429 Billingsley Road detox facility with just the clothes on their backs and many times without shoes.
So we’ve created a clothing closet and we’ve been collecting gently used clothes – shirts, pants & shoes, and we especially need unopened packages of undergarments (socks, underwear, etc…). People have asked us what sizes we need and the answer is we need a variety of sizes in all of the items.
If you have any of the above items – or better yet – if you would like to purchase any of the above items, especially undergarments – and would like to donate them for use by our clients in detox, please drop them off at the lobby of our building at 100 Billingsley or the lobby of our building at 429 Billingsley.
Our office lobby at 100 Billingsley is open during normal business hours of normal business days; our office lobby at 429 Billingsley is open 24/7.
Anuvia is a non-profit organization and the value of your donations is tax deductible.
If you have any questions, just give us a call, 704.376.7447.