Some signs that your child may have a problem with drugs or alcohol include mood changes (temper, irritability, defensiveness), problems at school (changes in grades, attendance), changes in friends, changes in appearance, a lack of involvement in former interests. In addition, look for physical and mental changes in your child (poor concentration, bloodshot eyes, and slurred speech.) Also finding drugs or alcohol in your child’s room or on their belongings can also indicate a problem.
Archives: FAQs
What is “binge drinking”?
Binge drinking is drinking for the primary purpose of getting drunk. For a male, 5 or more in a drinking session is considered binge drinking. For a female, 4 or more in a drinking session is considered binge drinking. It often leads to other harmful behavior such as driving while intoxicated, fighting, or risky sex.
What are bath salts? Why are they harmful?
“Bath salts” are drugs that can make the user feel full of energy. Other effects the user may feel are agitation, blurred vision, depression, hallucinations, manic episodes, memory loss, nausea, paranoia, seizures, and in some cases death. In 2012, North Carolina as well as 34 other states banned these substances as well as other synthetic drugs.
Can social media really influence young people’s substance use?
The CASAColumbia 2012 National Survey found that compared to teens who have never seen pictures on Facebook or another social networking site of kids getting drunk, passed out, or using drugs, teens who have seen such pictures are:
- 4 times likelier to have used marijuana (25 percent vs. 6 percent)
- More than 3 times likelier to have used alcohol (43 percent vs. 13 percent)
- Almost 3 times likelier to have used tobacco (16 percent vs. 6 percent).
Is prescription drug abuse really an issue?
Prescription drug abuse is the Nation’s fastest-growing drug problem, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has classified prescription drug abuse as an epidemic. Commonly abused classes of prescription drugs include opioids (for pain), central nervous system (CNS) depressants (for anxiety and sleep disorders), and stimulants (for ADHD and narcolepsy). Click here for more information on prescription drugs.
My child is engaging in risky behaviors. What can I do?
The Partnership at recommends six alternatives to reduce the chance that adolescents will drink, use drugs, or engage in other risky behaviors.
- Build and maintain a supportive relationship with your child.
- Be a good role model when it comes to drinking, taking medicine, and handling stress.
- Know your child’s risk level. Decades of research have shown that some teens are at higher risk than others to develop substance abuse problems. Some of the common risk factors associated with drug and alcohol abuse are, family history, mental or behavioral disorder, trauma, and impulse control problems.
- Know your child’s friends.
- Monitor, supervise, and set boundaries.
- Have ongoing conversations and provide information about drugs and alcohol. An open communication with your teenager can help build a healthy, supportive relationship. Besides, it can also avoid and reduce conflict in your relationship.
What’s the big deal with marijuana?
Marijuana has a chemical in it called THC. THC affects parts of the brain that control learning and memory. As a person uses more marijuana, it may become harder to learn new things and remember old things. When smoked, marijuana can also damage your lungs and breathing. And did you know that marijuana is addictive? Which means the user needs the drug to feel “normal.” If you want more information about marijuana and its effect on the body, Click here.
What are things to remember when coming for an assessment?
- Be prepared to stay approximately 2-3 hours for the entire assessment process. Do not bring children with you.
- Confidential assessments are provided on demand Monday through Friday. Clients are seen on a first come, first serve basis between 7:45am and 1:00pm. You are encouraged to arrive early as only a certain number of assessments can be completed each day.
- Bring all required paperwork (especially DWI including BAC at time of arrest, court/arrest related), all medication, and current Medicaid or insurance card. If you do not have your documentation, you will need to obtain a copy of it from the county clerk’s office. If your records are no longer available, you will need to obtain a written statement from the clerk’s office saying that the records are not available.
- If you have been assessed elsewhere, you must have documentation from the prior assessor including the date of your assessment and the treatment or education recommendation. DWI assessments are valid for 6 months. If you have not entered treatment within 6 months of your assessment, a new assessment will be required.
- Call to let us know if you are unable to keep your appointment.
- Bring assessment fees: General $100 DWI $100 for each outstanding DWI. Out of State DWI $100 + $75 processing fee. Must bring required paperwork from the other state. (Some states may have additional charges)
Can you help me with limited driving privileges
Anuvia is not involved in any way with limited driving privileges. You need to contact the Clerk of Court for the county where the offense took place. Here are numbers for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area:
- Mecklenburg – 704-347-7811
- Gaston – 704-852-3190
- Cabarrus – 704-786-4211
- Union – 704-289-2444
How long does it take DMV to process paperwork?
Once the paperwork has been sent to DMV, it takes between 2-8 weeks for it to be processed.