For individuals dealing with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, trauma, or substance abuse, mental health services can offer much-needed support, guidance, and treatment. Anuvia remains committed to providing comprehensive mental health care in the Charlotte metro area, which is why our mental health services teach people coping skills, provide counseling, and even offer mental health medication management if needed. One study showed that 24.9% of adults in North Carolina reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depression, highlighting the need for a caring and comprehensive help center like Anuvia in our community.

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Who Can Benefit from Our Charlotte Mental Health Services?

Anuvia is ready to help anyone who requires our services. We serve individuals and families alike, including adolescents or teens with substance use or mental health issues. If you or someone you love is grappling with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or otherwise, we can address those issues with you and work on ways to cope as well as help lessen your struggles with symptoms in the future. In addition to our mental health services, we offer addiction and behavioral health services, such as drug and alcohol detox, intensive outpatient treatment, support groups, residential inpatient treatment, and more. Depending on your situation, these different services may go hand-in-hand. No matter what you’re dealing with, the staff at Anuvia can create a plan that works with your needs and gets you the help you need.

Signs of Mental Health Issues

If you’ve been experiencing any of these symptoms, it may indicate you’re struggling with your mental health, especially if you’ve had these issues in the past:

  • Feeling constantly stressed
  • Mood swings
  • Changes in sleep patterns, such as insomnia
  • Changes in weight or appetite
  • Withdrawing from social situations
  • Interpersonal/relationship conflict

In significant cases, you may also be having suicidal thoughts or substance use problems. It’s important to detect and intervene early when you notice these signs in yourself or someone you love so that the situation doesn’t get to a point where symptoms are worsening and more serious troubles may occur. Even if your mental health situation may be a long-term battle, Anuvia can provide counseling and coping strategies that prevent a continuous downturn.

Our Mental Health Services in Charlotte

Anuvia offers a host of mental health services that may be beneficial, depending on your situation. In particular, we offer:

  • Coping Skills Training
  • Individual Counseling/Therapy
  • Family Counseling
  • Medication Management
  • Psychosocial Rehabilitation: a program that helps individuals with serious and persistent mental illness develop the emotional, social, and intellectual skills they need to live, learn, and work in the community

You’ll meet with a professional, certified counselor to learn the coping skills you need to keep your mental health steady and your outlook positive. These mental health counseling programs and sessions are open for you to discuss your life and struggles, and you can trust Anuvia to match you with a therapist who will be able to assist. A psychiatrist may also be involved so that necessary medications can be prescribed to you. We also offer telehealth services for those who need a more flexible option for their treatment. Both mental health services and substance use aftercare can be conducted through telehealth if requested or needed.

An In-Depth Look at Specific Mental Health Issues


The primary symptom of depression is a pervasive feeling of sadness throughout your daily life. This feeling can lead to issues sleeping, eating, and motivating yourself to complete work or tasks. Treatment options for depression typically include therapy and medication. Anuvia can provide both of these treatments in-house, so you feel taken care of and can get on a steadier path forward.


Anxiety may sound like a familiar feeling for many, but anxiety is not the same thing as stress. Anxiety is a more severe, panicked feeling about everyday activities and difficulties. Physical symptoms may even manifest, such as sweating and a rapid heartbeat. Medication can help lessen anxiety for many people, but it’s also important to learn coping skills to help you get through the tasks that cause that feeling of dread and fear. Anuvia’s therapists are well-equipped to find the coping strategies that work best for you.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can look different for different people depending on the type they have and the symptoms they deal with but is always characterized by vast mood swings from mania to depression. Medication is usually necessary to help balance these wide mood swings. Not only can Anuvia provide support to individuals with bipolar disorder, but it can also do the same for families of those with bipolar.

Substance Use

Substance use disorders are typically defined by a constant craving for alcohol or other substances to help one get through the day. Treatment for substance use disorders is often more involved, including steps like detox and outpatient treatment in addition to counseling and coping strategies. Substance use disorders often co-occur with mental health issues and require  a dual approach that addresses both issues. Anuvia provides each of these services and can provide substance use aftercare via telehealth. Our treatment plans are individualized to our patients and their needs.

Virtual Mental Services

Telehealth is an easy alternative to in-person talk therapy that allows you to receive online mental health treatment from the comfort of your own home. Whether you have a busy schedule, you’re not local to our treatment center, or there are other factors at play that dissuade you from coming in person, we understand. You can receive quality virtual mental health treatment and substance use aftercare through secure online meetings that can be scheduled by contacting us or by calling us at 704-376-7447.

Why Choose Anuvia?

Anuvia is in the process of becoming a CCBHC, dedicated to serving the Charlotte community with an expert medical and mental health counseling team that can help with a wide range of mental health difficulties. Our non-profit center has been providing these very services since 1958 and has maintained a compassionate, dedicated desire to help struggling people heal.

Additional Services from Anuvia

Anuvia’s experienced doctors and status as a CCBHC candidate allows us to provide a comprehensive suite of mental health services in Charlotte, such as:

In addition, we can provide general support with our youth and family programs for anyone who is dealing with a mental illness, whether that’s yourself or a member of your family.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What types of mental health issues do you treat?

Anuvia can treat a range of mental health issues in the greater Charlotte NC areas. During your initial consultation with us, we’ll discuss your anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or other struggles, and create a specialized plan for your needs.

How do I know if I need professional help?

If your symptoms are actively impeding your daily life, you should seek help. Difficulty eating, sleeping, completing tasks, being socially active, having interpersonal/relationship conflict and other symptoms indicate that treatment is necessary.

What are virtual mental health services and how does it work?

Telehealth is an alternative to in-person therapy, hosted via a video conference call. We’ll provide you with a secure link where you can join the call for online virtual mental health counseling.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes. When scheduling your consultation, you can provide your insurance details for more information about cost.

How quickly can I get an appointment?

We always welcome new patients. Give us a call at 704-376-7447 and we will work with your schedule. We also offer open access, where you can walk in Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and be seen by a therapist.

In Summary

Mental health is just as important as your physical health. You should always feel prepared to take on your days, equipped with coping skills, medication, and any other support you may need to do so. Anuvia can help give you this toolbelt for dealing with your mental health. We encourage anyone who suspects they may be struggling with their mental health to schedule an appointment or seek more information available on our website. You can reach us online or call us at 704-376-7447.